Bringing GoodDollar alive in community

Get between $1,000-10,000 USD in funding to advance the adoption of GoodDollar in your community.


<aside> 🚀 GoodDollar believes that by working together we can collectively help fight poverty and create economic opportunity for underserved communities around the globe.


GoodGrants is an open program that supports projects and communities that are committed to advancing GoodDollar’s mission of financial inclusion and advances the adoption of GoodDollar creating good in the world, globally.

GoodDollar’s Principles: Education and Inclusion

The GoodGrants program is founded on two key principles:

<aside> 1️⃣ Inclusion: Lowering barriers of access to participation in the digital economy

Read more here


<aside> 2️⃣ Education: Advancing financial education and crypto literacy

Read more here


<aside> 😄 Think you’re a good fit? Apply here!


The Objective

<aside> ⭐ Drive adoption of the GoodDollar protocol through supporting individuals, communities, and groups that leverage the GoodDollar solution and ecosystem to advance financial education and inclusion in underserved communities around the globe. 🌎


The GoodGrants program seeks to achieve this by supporting portfolios of initiatives around the world so that the GoodDollar community can shape markets, learn from and provoke these technology sectors to benefit vulnerable populations, and use in a range of applications and country settings.

Specific Objectives: