Calling all builders, dreamers and doers! Thank you for helping the GoodDollar community achieve its mission of financial inclusion and prosperity for everyone. Our goal is to foster innovation and cultivate talent in the GoodDollar Ecosystem.
As the GoodGrants program continues to expand on its ability to empower the GoodDollar community, we have generated a list of requests for proposals! This list will evolve continue to over time.
👉 Inclusion: Lowering barriers to access
As we continue building the digital impact economy, the GoodDollar Foundation seeks to enable people, organizations and other entities to use, earn, and hold cryptocurrencies and empower those who are traditionally left out of the financial system. To meet the growing needs of savvy users, it's critical that frictions that stop people from accessing digital assets are reduced.
- **Community commerce (payments)**The goal is to create partnerships to assign a percentage of the grant budget for subsidizing purchases in the stores made with G$s. In the process, the GoodGrant manager should ensure that local entrepreneurs understand the basics about financials and tech behind GoodDollar (and crypto in general - see more below).
- Connect the world. Create on/off ramps as options to easily and compliantly claim, purchase, trade, sell and use GoodDollar assets with fiat currencies.
- Online directory where GoodDollar is available locally: As the community develops more ways to access GoodDollar assets, a regularly updated online directory would be helpful for members to know where they can access G$ in their region
- Integrate GoodDollar’s payment API: Proposals to make it easier for online merchants to start accepting G$ and for people to spend their G$ without having to go through an off-ramp.
- Decentralized marketplace and/or use cases allowing and educating buyers and sellers to interact and transact in a trusted, permission-less way.
KPI: Increased transactions in G$
😄 Think you’re a good fit? Apply here!
👉 Financial Education & Empowerment
Open the digital economy to the most underserved, by onboarding to GoodDollar populations and communities the most underserved by the existing financial system.
- Agent networks: To promote financial inclusion, Agent networks play a key role in educating users and giving them access to crypto assets. Agent networks in some of the key emerging markets to promote use and adoption of GoodDollar can further benefit the larger GoodDollar Community.
- Education programs: GoodDollar supports initiatives that ultimately enable communities with new tools. GoodGrants is interested in solutions that empower local communities to engage with systems in new ways, such as those that:
- enable communities to access financial services (digital payments, banking)
- Provide students and teachers with better learning experiences (teaching children about crypto, NFT creation by students, gamification and learning)