Hello and welcome to GoodDapp.org, the revolutionary platform that aims to make a difference in the financial landscape using the power of technology. If you've been curious about what GoodDapp offers and how to get started, you're in the right place. Let's dive in!

💡 How to access GoodDapp: open http://gooddapp.org in your browser.


GoodDapp Quick Demo.mp4

Too busy to watch the video? No problem. Here's the gist of it:

GoodDapp Overview

GoodDapp is your portal to the GoodDollar protocol. Through this interface, you can interact with all of the core functionalities of the GoodDollar protocol, in the 3 chains that GoodDollar is available: Ethereum Mainnet, Celo Mainnet, and Fuse.

These are the current features:

Useful Links